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on showing up

tldr; thank you for a wonderful year of showing up, being vulnerable, and building a community. i love you all.

Dear #fitfam,

One final note before we welcome 2021. This year, there was plenty of challenge, struggle, heartbreak, and anxiety. I think it is safe to say we all felt this on a micro and macro level. But there was also incredible strength, adaptation, connection, and vulnerability. And I saw this in all of you. If you follow my instagram or have taken my class in the last week, you know I'm becoming fast friends (read: quickly obsessed) with Brene Brown's work. I quote her timeless philosophies any chance I get and insert her ideas and theories into any and all conversations whether it makes sense or not - It's been really fun for my friends ;) This is Brene's definition of vulnerability: "having the courage to show up and be seen when you have no control over the outcome". She defines connection as "the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; When they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive strength and sustenance from the relationship". I think vulnerability and connection are at the helm of our concept move group fitness community and I will tell you why. I see you show up day after day. I know it is extremely hard for some of you to feel comfortable working out in a group. I know comparison is an epic battle for some of you. I know technology is not everyone's forte (SAME!) so taking virtual classes has been a challenge. I know a lot of you have been navigating A LOT of change this year and it has been really difficult to motivate at home. I know a lot of you struggle with taking rest due to fear of lost progress. I see you. I've been lucky enough to earn the right to your stories and I'm so grateful. I'm not here to offer anything other than space and to sit with it with you. But, I do want you to know this. Alongside the extraordinary struggle, you have showed up and you kept showing up. And whether showing up meant coming to class, reaching out for support when you needed someone to tell you rest is OK, or when you shared the insider info that there were finally dumbbells at TJ let yourself be seen and I guarantee you inspired or motivated someone else. you built individual strength and you added to our strength-brew as a family (I picture strength-brew as all of our collective strength combined in this old looking cauldron being stirred by me, your favorite fitness witch...or know how I feel about spooky season!). And this connects us all. I'd venture to say, deeply. Through our individual vulnerability and strong connectedness, we are unstoppable. I hope you feel this as powerfully as I do. To close, our community is something I'm extremely proud of. Every single one of you has made this year better by being a part of this family. Thank you could never be enough. I'm proud to know all of you. Now, see ya, bye 2020 - 2021, we're ready for you. Let's have some fun.


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